Past events
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our guests.
As a small ‘thank you’, we are giving away CHF 10.00 per guest on the 10th of each month. Celebrate with us and enjoy carefree hours in our hotel - because without you, this success story would not have been possible.
We look forward to sharing this anniversary year with you and creating many more memories.
Come by and let us surprise you!
«HAPPY NEW YEAR» (fully booked)

Spend the turn of the year 24/25 in style with pure relaxation and culinary delights from our Adler kitchen. Indulge, chat, laugh and celebrate the new year with us.
Enjoy our exclusive 6-course gala menu in a festive, celebratory atmosphere CHF 195 per person

Enjoy the delicious South Tyrolean gourmet menu, which Siggi will prepare for you together with his teacher and ambassador of South Tyrolean cuisine, Martin Lercher, and taste carefully selected South Tyrolean wines from Weinvogel SA.
6-course gourmet menu ‘Come with us to South Tyrol’ incl. wineparing CHF 248 p.p.
Book your table now.
«GRILL'N CHILL» - only the best from the grill!
The meat is sizzling on the barbecue, the bottles of wine are popping and the good mood is infectious. A relaxed and succulently delicious national holiday awaits you! Enjoy cozy hours on our restaurant terrace.
Here the sun shines a little longer, the wine is tastier and the drinks taste even better.
Thursday, August 1, 2024 (lunch and dinner)*
It's best to reserve your table now and Just leave the choice to your appetite!
*In case of bad or uncertain weather we serve in the restaurant

Being a mum is undoubtedly a big job. It is a gift, a responsibility and a job. This Sunday, children and partners should say a special ‘thank you’ to their mum: with presence and time!
Put a smile on your mum's face and surprise her with some enjoyable hours with us at the Adler. A wonderful moment to say ‘Merci’ with a delicious Mother's Day menu, peppered with a dash of surprise and refined with a pinch of extravagance.
3-course menu │108
4-course menu │128
Full menu │168
Lunch and dinner
«GIRO D'ITALIA» with Antinori

Experience an enjoyable, exciting wine evening at the highest Italian culinary level and get to know new delicacies. We will travel together from north to south and taste carefully selected wines from Bindella to accompany the Italian 6-course gourmet menu.
6-course gourmet menu ‘Giro d'Italia’ incl. wine tour CHF 248 p.p.
‘EASTER’ - Eggsclusive
‘Easter indulgence dossier’ │ Monday, 1 April 2024

Happy Easter! Our Easter menus make the spring festivities even more delicious! We have put together sophisticated starters, delicious main courses and enchanting desserts for you.
3-course menu │108
4-course menu │128
Complete menu │168
‘EASTER’ - Eggsclusive
‘Easter indulgence dossier’ │ Sunday, 31 March 2024

Happy Easter! Our Easter menus make the spring festivities even more delicious! We have put together sophisticated starters, delicious main courses and enchanting desserts for you.
3-course menu │108
4-course menu │128
Complete menu │168
‘EASTER’ - Eggsclusive
‘Easter indulgence dossier’ │ Saturday, 30 March 2024

Happy Easter! Our Easter menus make the spring festivities even more delicious! We have put together sophisticated starters, delicious main courses and enchanting desserts for you.
3-course menu │108
4-course menu │128
Complete menu │168
‘EASTER’ - Eggsclusive
‘Easter indulgence dossier’ │ Good Friday, 29 March 2024

Happy Easter! Our Easter menus make the spring festivities even more delicious! We have put together sophisticated starters, delicious main courses and enchanting desserts for you.
3-course menu │108
4-course menu │128
Complete menu │168
‘THE GREAT WINE DUAL’ Switzerland - France

The comparison with Burgundy belongs to the Bündner Herrschaft like the mountains. Be it because of the location on the same latitude, the limestone soils that can be found here and, of course, the main varieties of both regions – Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.
Thomas Lampert Maienfeld, Rookie of the Year 2023 Gault&Millau challenges the Grand Nation during a blind tasting this evening.
Enjoy a glass of Graubünden and Burgundy wine with each course.
Wine and Dine menu incl. blind tasting CHF 248 p.p.
Bon apétit and en Guata
«HAPPY VALENTINE» – Love is in the air

For all lovers: Would you like to take your sweetheart out to dinner? Do you want it to be romantic? Or even a candlelit dinner?
Then our parlours and our cuisine with that certain something are just what you need. Thanks to the romantic ambience and an exquisite Valentine's menu under the motto ‘La Vie en Rose’, you will have the perfect evening.
In addition to a sparkling glass of ‘Laurent Perrier Rosé’, you will enjoy a six-course menu.
CHF 168.– 6-course gourmet Valentine's menu
The exclusive Valentine's Day menu is also available with four or five courses.

will follow shortly
We ask for your understanding that we do not offer a separate wine tour this evening and therefore not the New Year's Eve menu.

Booked out in no time in the last few years ...
Siggi Tschurtschenthaler is actually a completely normal South Tyrolean. An outdoorsman, sociable, loves the mountains as well as the water. And yet there is something about him that stands out - his taste and skill when it comes to realising culinary highlights.
With a carefully selected range of exquisite champagnes from the house of Henriot we offer you the finest from Champagne on this evening, paired with extravagant culinary delights and - the Weisswurst! What Kitzbühl can do - we can already do!
6-course gourmet menu with exquisite champagne from Henriot
CHF 295 p.p
Dress code: Dirndl & Lederhosen - let's go!
‘IT WILL BE WILD’ - Game weeks at the Adler

During this time, the Adler team conjures up traditional and refined game dishes on your plate Fresh from the hunt! After all, those who are at home in the Bündner Herrschaft have the best contacts with hunters.
One thing is for sure! The enjoyment of delicious game dishes is even better with the right glass of wine.
(lunch and evening)

Mehr als ein Jahrhundert, widmet die Familie Emilio Moro bereits ihrem Land - dem Ribera del Duero - und ihrer Leidenschaft - dem Wein. In jeder ihrer Flaschen spürt man den Charakter und vor allem die tiefe Liebe zum Wein. Nutzen Sie diese einmalige Gelegenheit deren Weine verbunden mit unserem 6 Gang Genuss Menü zu probieren und fühlen Sie sich für einmal wieder ganz español.
6-Gang Genuss Menü «E VIVA ESPAGNA» mit auserlesener Weinbegleitung CHF 265.-- p.P.
präsentiert von der Vinothek Brancaia und dem Hause Emilio Moro

For all those who want to enjoy hours of fun, a good drop of wine paired with the delicacies from our Adler kitchen, you should definitely visit us at the Adler. We will make sure that you feel at home and that the Fläscher Weinfest will be a very special experience for you! Because - we love festivals too!
On these days, we only offer Fläscher wines and a matching Fläscher Wein Genuss menu All kinds of other delicacies from the barbecue or fresh from the ice cream van can be found in the beautiful and cosy garden.
As you can imagine, the village is in a ‘state of emergency’ and the demand for places is high. Early booking in the restaurant is therefore recommended.
Visit our village and our parlours - we look forward to seeing you!
Rough, indomitable and full of exuberant energy, the South Tyrolean folk-rock hero sweeps across the stage and sends the audience into ecstasy in no time at all.
«WINE FESTIVAL FLÄSCH» – 5 kitchens 8 cellars
Obwohl sein Rebberg flächenmässig einer der kleineren ist, steht Jann Marugg mit an der Spitze der Fläscher Weinproduktion. Auf wenig Hektaren keltert der innovative Winzer rund 15

Obwohl sein Rebberg flächenmässig einer der kleineren ist, steht Jann Marugg mit an der Spitze der Fläscher Weinproduktion. Auf wenig Hektaren keltert der innovative Winzer rund 15'000 Flaschen pro Jahr. Neben Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot usw glänzen grossartige Weissweine, deren einziges Handicap ihre äusserst kleine Produktionsmenge ist.
Er strebt nach der perfekten Traube, sie nach dem perfekten Geschmack. Daniel und Monika Marugg arbeiten stets auf vollendete Weine hin, die weit über die Kantonsgrenze bekannt sind. Die Selection Bovel zählt zu den Top-Schweizer-Pinot-Noirs. Ein Weingut der Bündner Herrschaft mit Prädikat «Klein, aber hoch fein», und auch im 2022 wiederum unter den besten 150 Winzern der Schweiz zu finden.
Nutzen Sie diese einzigartige Gelegenheit diese erstklassigen Weine zu degustieren. Ihre Begeisterung wird nicht ausbleiben.
6-Gang Gourmet Genuss Menü mit Weinbegleitung CHF 238 p.P
(frühzeitige Reservation empfohlen!)
Although his vineyard is one of the smaller ones in terms of area, Jann Marugg is one of the leaders in wine production in Fläsch. The innovative winegrower presses around 15,000 bottles per year on just a few hectares. In addition to Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot, etc., he produces great white wines whose only handicap is their extremely small production volume.
He strives for the perfect grape, she for the perfect flavour. Daniel und Monika Marugg always work towards perfect wines that are known far beyond the cantonal borders. The Selection Bovel is one of the top Swiss Pinot Noirs. A winery in the Bündner Herrschaft with the rating ‘Small but very fine’, and once again among the best 150 winegrowers in Switzerland in 2022.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to taste these first-class wines. Your enthusiasm will not fail to materialise.
6-course gourmet gourmet menu with wine accompaniment CHF 238 p.p
(early booking recommended!)
Special moments under the sign of wine

Every year, the Adler team welcomes an exquisite guest chef to Fläsch. With the creative chef from the world-famous Hangar 7 in Salzburg, gourmets and connoisseurs can expect a culinary flight of fancy in June. On this evening, you will have the opportunity to meet one of Siggi's creative culinary artists and companions in person. You can look forward to innovative compositions combined with incomparable gastronomic explosions of flavour! Pure enjoyment!
Tommy Eder-Dananic was a fixed star in the team of the ‘Ikarus’ restaurant for 18 years as head chef. Inspired by culinary influences from all over the world, he has made a name for himself in Austria's star gastronomy over the course of his career.
6-course gourmet pleasure menu CHF 178 p.p
(early booking recommended!)
‘TOP OF JENINS’ - Wine'n Dine
Special moments under the sign of wine

When the Sonne (sun) is smiling in the sky and shining on the Eichholz, it's Schl"e"gt (strikes) 13 here at the Adler!
We are proud to welcome three top winemakers from Jenins to this Wine'n Dine. Georg Schlegel, the two-time Pinot Noir world champion; Irene Grünenfelder, the wine pioneer of the region, who has turned a one-woman business into a winery that is now known beyond the borders and last but not least the Obrecht couple from Weingut zur Sonne; two who complement each other like night and day and create inspiring and dreamlike wines.
On this evening you will have the opportunity to taste and savour top wines from Jenins. The winegrowers will of course be there live.
What could be better than celebrating spring in such an enjoyable way! Simply top!
6-course ‘Top of Jenins’ gourmet menu with wine accompaniment CHF 248 p.p.